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Background image of Osteopathy

Book with Claira, Alex, Johanna, Sydney, and Drew
Please note:
Drew is currently not accepting new patients
Sydney will be on Maternity leave starting Nov. 2024



Appointment prices vary by practitioner

please see our booking system link


for individual appointment fees*


Fee Increase:

Drew & Johanna will have an appointment

cost increase effective

Jan 1/2025



Background image of Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy
Book with Rama, Val, Taylor, Krystle, and Angela

90 Minutes - $150

75 Minutes - $130

60 Minutes - $110

45 Minutes - $95

30 Minutes - $80



Massage Therapy with Cranio-Sacral
Book with Rama and Angela

90 Minutes - $150

75 Minutes - $130

60 Minutes - $110

45 Minutes - $95

30 Minutes - $80

Appointment Fees

Background image of Cranio-Sacral Treatments

Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Please be advised that not all therapists offer this
Only therapists with this training will be available on the booking site for Cranial Sacral Appointments

Initial Appointment - $150

60 Minutes - $130

45 Minutes - $105

30 Minutes - $80



Note for new clients!

Please remember to book 3 follow up appointments, as our schedule can be quite busy.


Ideally, book 2 appointments in the 2 weeks following your 1st appointment, with a third 2-3 weeks later. 


This is to ensure you don't experience long wait times for your next appointment. We can always cancel or reschedule unnecessary appointments.

Taxes included in all prices. 
We accept cash, cheque, debit and e-transfer as payment

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