All available Massage Therapy and Osteopathy appointments in Waterloo are just a click away. Following the link below is the most up-to-date way to see our schedules, but you may have to look ahead a week or two to find what you are looking for!
For more information about Elysis don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you soon!
410 Conestogo Road, Suite 103, Waterloo
p: (519) 747-1611
Download A Health History Form Here! You will also have the ability to complete a virtual health form after completing a profile.
Important notes for new clients!
When booking your first osteopathic appointment, remember to book a few follow up appointments to avoid long waits between visits, as our schedule can be quite full. We can always cancel or reschedule unnecessary appointments. This ensures you will have the opportunity to receive the care you need.
Book Appointments Here!